Introduction to People and Labour

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution

    2, 2

In this course, students are asked to consider: What is work? Students are challenged to think about this using several different perspectives on work. Students are given perspectives from the book of John Budd and a blog of Timothy Ewest but are also encouraged to study additional literature. Based on offered and own insights, students prepare a presentation and make an additional report while working together in a group of max 3 students. Both the presentation and report are on how work is appreciated in a country of their choice.


  • AMA-IHRM 1 Credible Activist
  • AMA-IHRM 3 Capability Builder

Learning goals

Students not only learn about how work is appreciated per individual but also that this can differ per continent, country and culture. Presenting the findings to other students broadens insight. In addition, this course contributes to mutual exchange in the group but also helps students to (further) develop their skills in communication, literature study, presentation and working together.
