CIV SDP Applied Urban Water Management

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


Management of sewage and surface water are of vital interest for mankind and nature. By building a good and thoughtful water system, human lives can be saved. It is also positive for nature. 
Students learn to design different elements of water systems based on several domestic (Dutch) and international requirements and legislations. These elements can be applied in real situations. 
After following this module, students can:
    Name the legislation, requirements and history of water management 
    Describe elements of a water system (Wadi, pumping station) 
    Set up, calculate and evaluate a hydraulic water system
    Describe the construction method of a water system
    Perform the maintenance of a sewer system


  • BBT competentie(s) zie Blackboard

Learning goals

