• Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


Media are everywhere in our society. Most people see thousands of media messages each day, trying to influence them to shop, to vote, etc. We live in an era where ‘news’ can easily be faked with digital tools. Students, as members of this society, can benefit from an certain awareness of the media strategies targeted at them. And as future professionals, students can use these same strategies to design more efficient media concepts and experiences.
 Students are also encouraged to think critically about media creation and media consumption.

The final assignment is to design a ‘propaganda’ campaign for a topic of your choosing. We expect you to explore the boundaries of media strategies and ethics, and to express your opinion on these matters. This will also help you to expand your marketing and (visual) communication skills. 


  • CMGT 1. Technological research and analysis
  • CMGT 3. Testing and rolling out
  • CMGT 4. Researching and analysing
  • CMGT 5. Conceptualising
  • CMGT 6. Designing
  • CMGT 11. Learning and reflective capacity
  • CMGT 12. Responsibility

Learning goals

Student will gain knowledge of:
1. the history of media/gaming (2/3), for inspiration
2. trends, to inspire you 
3. ethics, to develop concepts
4. intellectual property right, for concept development
5. media literacy, to improve user experiences
6. psychology, to improve user experiences
7. media awareness, to apply concepts to different platforms


Code Name
HC Hoorcollege
PR Practicum
T.53134 2.2 Media Literacy