Textiles 1 - Textile and Color Chemistry

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


The module Textiles 1 consists of two modules:

Textile and colour chemistry
Textile technology
Each module is worth 1.5 ECTS, meaning together they are worth 3 ECTS.

Textile and colour chemistry: The aim of this module is for students to learn about textile and colour chemistry, and to use this knowledge to analyse complex subjects on textile production and maintenance.
Textile Technology: The aim of this module is for students to acquire theoretical knowledge about textile technologies and to be able to apply this knowledge. The student understands the interaction between consecutive process steps in the supply chain, and is able to provide advice in terms of technology choices.


  • TCT 01. Technische kennis en analyse

Learning goals

Textile and colour chemistry


1- Technical knowledge and analysis
Specific learning goals:

The student is familiar with different polymerisation reactions (monomers, reaction conditions, products, by-products, etc.)
The student is able to discuss the interplay between polymer properties and structures.
The student understands the chemical composition of textile polymers.
The student can describe the reactivity and surface properties of textile polymers, based on their chemical composition.
The student understands a dye's structural features and can explain how its chemical structure affects the fibre it can be applied to.
The student understands the physics of colour and the different colour models.
The student understands which factors affect dye penetration in textiles, and can apply this knowledge to wet processing.
The student is aware of recent developments in nanotechnology in the textile industry.
Textile Technology


1- Technical knowledge and analysis
Specific learning goals:

The student is aware of the different aspects of fabric production (non-woven, spinning, weaving, knitting).
The student understands the interplay between fabric properties and production technologies. 
The student is able to use this knowledge to ensure a product has the required specific properties.
The student is aware of the different aspects of textile finishing (wet and mechanical finishing).
The student understands the interplay between fabric properties and textile finishing technologies.
The student is able to use this knowledge to ensure a product has the required specific properties.
The student is aware of the different aspects of garment technology.
The student understands the interplay between garment properties and production technologies.
The student is able to use this knowledge to ensure a product has the required specific properties.


Code Name
HC Hoorcollege
T.56054 Textiles 1