2.1 Garment construction techniques I

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


Welcome to the module Garment Construction Techniques I. This module will give students better insight into the process of making garments. Pattern making is a highly skilled technique that requires technical skills and a practical understanding of garment construction. Students will learn to look at a design critically and convert it into a pattern. Pattern making is an essential step in progressing from design towards production. 


  • TCT 01. Technische kennis en analyse
  • TCT 02. Ontwerpen
  • prototypen
  • TCT 03. Testen en implementeren

Learning goals

Learning goals:
1. The student is able to take measurements, perform calculations and manually
draw various basic pattern constructions for woven fabrics in their size. 
2. The student is able to create several pattern modifications, based on a technical drawing of the 
3. The student is able to create a quarter scale pattern that follows the
pattern drafting guidelines
4. The student is able to create a detailed technical drawing of the pattern modifications in the right
proportions that follow the technical drawing guidelines.
5. The student is able to describe the model in terms of fit, silhouette, finish,
closures and other additional features.
