Saxion lab voor duurzame energie en smart energy

Lab for Sustainable Energy and Smart Energy

In this lab we develop and test system concepts for the system integration of Sustainable Energy (distributed heat and electricity) and building-related concepts for the heat and electricity supply (including solar PV, solar heat, heat pumps, ventilation systems) and concepts for industrial energy savings.

There is also a separate research room for Smart Energy in which we develop and test low-cost systems for energy monitoring and control technology as part of Smart Home and Smart Building solutions. The Lab is attached to the Sustainable Energy Supply research group and the Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Applied Computer Science, and Engineering Physics programmes.

Are you interested in the Lab or do you want to collaborate with the Lab and the Sustainable Energy Supply research group? Then please contact our School of Life Science, Engineering & Design (LED).

Front office LED Enschede
088 – 019 1422

The Lab is located at the Ko Wieringa campus in Enschede (M.H. Tromplaan 53).