Lego Education Innovation Studio

LEGO Education Innovation Studio

At the Saxion LEGO Education Innovation Studio (Saxion Lego Studio, for short) children from 8 to 14 years old are introduced to technology. By providing fun, technical workshops we try to spark their interest in natural science and technology at a young age.

Our LEGO lessons are developed by teachers from the primary school teacher training programme. They emphasise investigative and design-based learning with materials from LEGO Education. The Saxion Lego Studio is part of the Beta Technology Programme, which is the point of contact within and outside Saxion for the promotion of technology and technical education.

Download the brochure for LEGO Education Innovation Studio.
Research report ‘Learning to think with your hands’


Nieuws van de LEGO Education Innovation Studio

Technology in the curriculum

Many primary schools wonder how they can integrate technology lessons into their curriculum. Saxion Lego Studio is a perfect fit for the School of the Future concept, in which technology and science are to become permanent elements in 2020 and beyond. Saxion Lego Studio enables schools to meet the agreements made in the National Technology Pact 2020.

Workshops for children

Classes can visit the Saxion Lego Studio by appointment to attend workshops during school hours. Schools can choose from existing or made-to-measure workshops. Workshops have been developed for primary school pupils in groups five and six, seven, and eight and for secondary school pupils in the first and second classes.

Workshops for teachers

Would you like to offer the Saxion Lego Studio to your classes? Then the teachers themselves must attend a workshop first. That way they will know exactly what to expect when their class participates. Our workshops fit perfectly with the curriculum. Via the KWTO it is even possible to obtain a grant for the made-to-measure workshops.


At Saxion Lego Studio we are always looking for additional sponsors. Together we can continue to stimulate children's interest in technology through the LEGO Education Innovation Studio, and we can continue to be innovative ourselves in our teaching methods. Would you like to contribute? Then call us on 088 - 019 1936 or send a mail to bè


For Saxion LEGO Education Innovation, the Beta Technology Programme works closely with:

Marianne Laarman

Marianne Laarman MA, MEd

Programmadirecteur Bètatechniek

088 - 019 1936
Jeff de Ruyter

Jeff de Ruyter, ing. MMI


088 - 019 1936
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Esther Zanderink

LEGO Education Innovation Studio

088 - 019 5916
Karen Engelbertink

Karen Engelbertink

Managementassistente LEGO Education Innovation Studio

088 - 019 1936
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Stacy Overduin

LEGO Education Innovation Studio

088 - 019 3619
Lisa Meijerink

Lisa Meijerink

LEGO Education Innovation Studio