2.1 Immersive storytelling

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


Storytelling lies at the heart of all types of media. Storytelling is also why people become engaged. Storytelling can be done in many ways. Explicit, through narrative, dialogue, cut-scenes and movies, but also implicit: through visuals, sound effects and graphic design. Telling a good story is an art form in itself, and often overlooked. There are many factors involved. We know about characters and environments, but these elements need to be merged and presented clearly to the audience, at a decent pace, and with a relevant ending.  The purpose of the story is also important. Is your aim to engage people, influence people, sell a product? In this course you will learn what storytelling is all about, its relevance, and its application in interactive media. In the end it is your responsibility as a designer to get people hooked, tell your story, or add value to a product.


  • CMGT 2. Designing
  • prototyping and realizing
  • CMGT 3. Testing and rolling out
  • CMGT 5. Conceptualising
  • CMGT 6. Designing

Learning goals

The student can apply story-writing elements in an interactive story
The student is able to write a plot and simple acts (beginning, middle, end)
The student can add a theme to the story
The student can add conflict and drama to a story
The student applies a goal to the story
The student creates characters based upon theory (Development arc)
