1.4 Personal branding

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A Blackboard journal that will be developed during the course and results in a final product. A PDF of the journal report, and url of the online presence + a video walkthrough of the online presence will be uploaded.
Test Form Werkstuk/Report/Bericht (W)

Test criteria

 - Text, video's and images most be included in the journal so that they are visable for the assessor, so don't use links to other documents within your journal report. 
- Only uploaded files on Blackboard will be graded.
- At least one screenshot and the URLs of the online presence are uploaded to Blackboard. 
- The online presence must be publicly available on the internet.
- Language is suitable and is written in a straightforward style. Try to avoid long sentences and complex sentence structures. Use of language is correct and with a professional tone-of-voice.
- Only the last Blackboard submission will be graded. Upload everything in one submission.