2.3 3D animation

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


You won't be surprised to hear that in the 3D animation lessons we will teach you  3D animation! We have covered the animation rules for 2D animation, which apply to all animation, and therefore we apply these to 3D animations as well. Adding an extra dimension gives us more complexity, and more possibilities. There are many different ways to create motion in 3D, for example by means of motion capture, or with ready-made animation presets. Why not use these instead? 3D (character) animation gives you a good insight in how objects move, why they move the way they do, and provides options that motion capture can't offer you (e.g. squashing or stretching an object). Through computer animation, you can enhance the appearance of your game/movie/experience in many different ways. 


  • CMGT 3. Testing and rolling out
  • CMGT 2. Designing
  • prototyping and realizing
  • CMGT 5. Conceptualising
  • CMGT 6. Designing

Learning goals

Working with the graph editor 
Learning details about character animation  
Learning the importance of weight shifting  
Learning details about walk cycles  
Learning to create a third person character creator 


Code Name
PR Practicum
T.51763 2.3 3D animation