• Code


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This module is about the work area of HRM, the tasks of the HRM professional and which HR tools HRM professionals have at their disposal.  After completing this module, you have a clear picture as to what the function of the HRM professional entails. You understand the working field of HRM, the tasks of the HRM professional and which HR tools are at your disposal. You have become acquainted with the business administration aspects that professionals have to deal with, the people with whom they often work and what the role and position of the HRM professional might be.
Test Form Schriftelijk/Written/Klausur (S)

Test criteria

The content of the assessment concerns Chapters 1, 6 (6.3 - 6.8), 12 & 13 from the course material 'Textbook HRM' by Kluijtmans, the material from the powerpoint presentations, an article by Luuk Collou (Differentiation within HRM) and other material covered during the lessons.