Operational Internship: Envision It

  • Code


  • Credits


The student is able to map (a part of) the operational management, in which interaction between the guest/user/employee and the organization is central, and argues which needs and choices are relevant for the design of this operational management. The student argues which hospitality business trends and developments influence this operational management and can reason how the operational management could change as a result of this influence. The student can assess the impact of this change on the stakeholders involved.
Test Form Werkstuk/Report/Bericht (W)

Test criteria

The student shows an inquisitive attitude, can collect the necessary knowledge in a responsible way and is able to value this knowledge. The student identifies the most important trends and developments and interprets their influence on the professional situation. The student deduces from the intended professional product which important decisions must be taken and assesses the impact of these decisions on the stakeholders involved.