2.4 Basic textiles VIII - Textile Technology

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


Competence 1 Technical knowledge and analysis. Level 3 The newly qualified professional knows a lot about state-of-the-art technology in raw materials, materials, production (knitting, weaving, non-wovens and making-up), finishing (including printing) and the international textile and fashion supply chain. They are capable of conducting technical research and analysis, and applying these results. 


  • TCT 01. Technische kennis en analyse

Learning goals

The student knows a lot about sports shoes and their properties and fabrics. They also understand the sportswear market and the materials used in sports fabrics (fibres, fabrics, technology, finishing). The student is able to select the right materials, based on the product requirements (comfort, physiology, durability and protection) and the sportswear design criteria. The student is able to specify, analyse, select and apply passive, active and ultra-smart intelligent textiles in different contexts. The student is able to identify, understand and use different techniques for the surface modification of textiles in different contexts. The student is able to specify, analyse, select and use fibres, yarns and fabrics in high-performance textiles. 


Code Name
WC Werkcollege
T.50312 2.4 Basic textiles VIII