2.1 Buying II - Visual Merchandising

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


1. Assignment
Create and launch a new, private, high-potential label 'The Third' in the Netherlands and Germany. The Third offers products in the following categories: Home, Women, Men & Kids. 

2. Project objectives
The objective of this project case is three-fold:
1)    Create a Purchasing Plan in PowerPoint and add supporting documents 
2)    Create one prototype in collaboration with a partner University;
3)    Create an 'online shop window' and promo video in collaboration with all groups, in which your actual prototype will be presented.
2.1 Purchasing Plan
Create a new collection for your product group. Each employee has a specific role (see job descriptions). Ensure all of the collections in the home, women, men and kids category match the brand's identity. The Third aims to be a one stop shop for families. Factor in recent developments when drawing up the production plan. Design a +/- 20m2 virtual floor plan with your group that ties in with the 'shop-in-shop' concept. Optional: use the two walls that come along with the 20m2 for your floor plan. See the study guide to find out more about the Purchasing Plan requirements. 

In addition to the Purchasing Plan, please provide in a separate document:
1.A Technical Pack that contains comments for the prototype and a packing manual (Excel file to be uploaded in .xlsx format)
2.    A quality test report (word file)
3.A financial plan (Excel file to be uploaded in .xlsx format);
4.    A filmed meeting (MP4 format).


  • TCT 03. Testen en implementeren
  • TCT 08. Commerciële vaardigheden
  • TCT 09. Projectmatig werken
  • TCT 10. Communicatie
  • TCT 11. Leren en reflecterend vermogen
  • TCT 01. Technische kennis en analyse
  • TCT 06. Vormgeven

Learning goals

By the end of this project you will be able:
to work autonomously in the textile and fashion supply chain, by placing a fictional order with an international partner
to independently research a specific product group's supply chain in order to develop a commercial purchasing plan for an international market that involves all stakeholders
to evaluate a prototype that was designed, developed and produced by an international partner, while keeping all stakeholders in mind
to create a professional Technical Pack, which can be used as a complete and professional communication product for all Dutch and international stakeholders in the supply chain
to take on a specific professional role, and inject commercial awareness into a purchasing plan, prototypes and a presentation
to collaborate productively in a multidisciplinary and international team, and be able to coordinate processes and work to tight deadlines
to analyse and adapt your behaviour, based on results and feedback from stakeholders. The student is interested in relevant developments in the international field.


Code Name
WC Werkcollege
T.50267 2.1 Buying II