Talent development

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution

    1, 3

The student is given the opportunity to nurture their talents, and is encouraged to pick a specific skill they want to develop further.


  • TCT 11. Leren en reflecterend vermogen

Learning goals

Learning goals:

1. The student is able to devise a graduation project that reflects  the specific needs of the client and/or target group in the fashion/textiles field.

2. The student is able:
a) to shape their portfolio in such a way that it ties in with who they are,  while simultaneously displaying their knowledge and skills.
b) to create a portfolio that showcases a variety of different relevant  materials, based on insights gained throughout programme and, if relevant  beyond.
c) to put together a professional, creative, personal and chronological CV that has a  universal appeal. It clearly advertises the student's qualities.

3. The student is able to substantiate decisions they made with respect to their graduation project's methodology and structure. They have clearly defined the problem,  devised a research question/design project and used reliable literature covering disciplines such as textile technology and fashion.

4. The student has made wise choices in terms of the research methods used for this graduation project, which will most likely lead to valuable solutions for the problem identified in the 
fashion/textiles field.

5. The student is able to provide an innovative and worthy end result for their graduation project, which is valued and appreciated by the client and/or target group.

6. The student is able to draw up a feasible plan for the graduation project.


Code Name
CN Consultatie
T.50318 Talent Development