Algorithms & Data Structures

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution

    3, 4

The course serves as a practical introduction to data structures and algorithms based on the C and C++ programming languages.


  • LED competentie

Learning goals

After a successful completion of this course a student: • Will be able to recognize opportunities to apply standard algorithms in his/her code. • Will be able to show the difference between an abstract data type and a concrete data structure. • Will understand how most common data structures (list, dynamic array, hash map, tree, graph) work and what are they used for. • Will be able to choose the right data structure for a given task and be able to show the implications of her choice, using the concept of time complexity. • Will be able to implement some data structures in C or C++ (list, dynamic array, hash map) • Will understand and be able to apply some of the problem-solving strategies such as: divide and conquer, greedy algorithms. The learning outcomes derived from the course goals are summarized in the Assessment Matrix.
