Electro-Magnetic Compatibility

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


Electro-Magnetic Compatibility means: the ability of electric and electronic equipment, installations and systems to mutually operate in the same environment without causing or receiving interference. The importance of EMC is obvious. For example, think about the electro-magnetic interference that can be caused by electric generation and distribution systems, causing disturbances in sensitive electronic equipment used for telecommunication and wireless-communication. All electronic equipment placed on the European market and intended for use within the European Union must now carry a CE (Conformité Européen) mark to show that it complies with EEC Directive 2014/30/EC. It is therefore essential that every electronic engineer is familiar with aspects of EMC. This course gives an introduction on several aspects of EMC (see covered topics below) which have to be taken into account when designing and implementing electronic equipment or systems.


  • LED competentie

Learning goals

The student has basic knowledge of EMC. He learned to use basic rules to design a module or a system taking EMC into account. He also has basic knowledge in finding and solving EMC problems in existing designs or systems.
