SMART Tourism

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution

    1, 2

SMART Tourism is an acronym for Solutions, Meaningful, Ambitious, Regenerative and Technology. These are the ingredients for this module. In project teams the student chooses a type of tourism to research. This research focusses on analysing all the different impacts the type of tourism generates. These impacts could be positive or negative. By interviewing different stakeholders that are involved in this type of tourism, the student tries to find out when the stakeholders feel the responsibility of these generated impacts and when would they be willing to change their operations. The next step in the process is that technological solutions will be created in order to change negative impacts into positive ones. The input for the technological solution is the analysis done in the first part of the module combined with information on trends & developments, target groups, technology, innovation, value proposition. In a creative session the idea for the solution will be created and translated into a Business Concept, using the Business Model Canvas. Together with the team, the student will bring this concept to the market, as a start-up company working for one of the stakeholders.


  • HBS 12. Free competence

Learning goals

The student learns to critically look behind the scenes of a choosen type of tourism as a critical investigator. Next to this, the student will apply communication strategies in order to interview selected stakeholders of choice. The student will also learn how to work with scenarios based on the chosen trends and their impacts. Lastly, the student will apply an existing, preferably proven technology from a random industry to create positive effects within the chosen type of tourism. With these ingredients, he will create a business concept (product), which he will successfully introduce to the market by making decisions about target group, price, promotion. The student learns how to make a business plan and how to present it to a potential investor.
