Textiles 3

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


The module Textiles 3 consists of two modules:

Sustainable textiles
Digitising textile production
Each module is worth 1.5 ECTS, meaning together they are worth 3 ECTS: 

Sustainable textiles: The aim of this module is to give students insight into how raw materials, production methods, maintenance and the design process impact the environment and the importance of reusing materials in the future. The student is able to use this knowledge when designing textile products, factoring in the extent to which a product is recyclable at the end of its life cycle. The student is able to select and assess raw materials, which have less of an environmental impact. In general, the module is about the entire supply chain, from the initial design to the end customer. This is a disruptive innovation, which could potentially transform part of the supply chain. Digitisation of textiles production.
Digitising textile production is crucial in order to be able to respond to social developments such as mass customisation and the growing demand for tracking and traceability in sustainable textiles. The aim of this module is to teach students all that digital textile production has to offer as well as its limitations, and to help students gain experience in designing a digital textile production process (i.e. digital workflow). By the end of this module, students will have insight into digital workflow, 3D fitting/body scans, pattern making, graphical/functional digital printing and business models (with examples). -


  • TCT 03. Testen en implementeren
  • TCT 04.   Onderzoek en analyse
  • TCT 10. Communicatie

Learning goals


1 –Technical knowledge and analysis 

Specific learning goals:

Learning Goals Sustainable Textiles

The student is aware of the impact raw materials and production processes have on the environment.
The student factors in the environmental impact of raw materials and textile production processes when designing a product (i.e. in terms of reusing materials in the future).
The student understands the impact a product or design can have, in terms of social, economic and environmental factors.
The student is familiar with alternative raw materials and products, and can objectively assess their environmental impact.
The student knows how to conduct a life cycle analysis and understands the implications of doing so. The students understands how textile maintenance impacts the environment. 
Learning Goals Digitising Textile Production

The student is familiar with digital textile production options throughout the supply chain, from the initial design to the end customer.
The student understands all that digital textile production has to offer as well as its limitations, and gains experience in designing a digital textile production process (i.e. digital workflow).
They have insight into digital workflow, 3D fitting/body scans, pattern making, graphical/functional digital printing and business models (with examples).
The student is able to use what they know about digital textile production to design a digital workflow that is geared towards a business case.


Code Name
HC Hoorcollege
WC Werkcollege
T.56056 Textiles 3