Lucija - international student assistant

Top Talent Programme: Lucija shares her experience and its benefits

Berber Dijkhuis Reading time Minutes

If you are a first-year student who is doing well in your studies and willing to dedicate some time and effort to something new, then the Top Talent Programme may be a perfect fit for you! During the Top Talent Programme, you can choose to deepen or broaden your knowledge, meet new people, and personally develop yourself. Discover how Lucija, a fourth-year student in Tourism Management, experiences the Top Talent Programme and how it helped her to build more confidence

The Top Talent Programme

You can apply for the Top Talent Programme if you are a first-year student, the programme will start in your second year and until graduation. During the Top Talent Programme, you will meet once or twice a week in the morning or afternoon with your group that chooses the same programme. Every semester, you will explore a new topic, Lucija has explored the topics of grief and feminism during the course Liberal Arts for our Future. During these meetings, there are group discussions with students, teachers, and people from the working field. At the end of each semester, you must deliver a product. This product could be an essay, a poem, or even a theatre play.

Interested in the Top Talent programme?

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Broaden or deepen your knowledge

Within the Top Talent Programme, you have the option to deepen your knowledge in your study field, this is called the ‘Excellence track’ or you can choose to broaden your knowledge with the honours programme. Lucija chose for the honours programme. “I chose to broaden my knowledge because I wanted to meet people I otherwise wouldn’t meet. The programme I do is Liberal Arts for Our Future, within this honours programme, I get the chance to express my creativity and explore new topics. It is broadening my horizon on so many levels, meeting new people, exploring new topics, and challenging myself."

Build your network

During the three years of the Top Talent Programme, you meet many students from different programmes, teachers, and guest lecturers. You are matched with a buddy, Lucija explains: “My buddy and I are still in touch, even though my buddy is already graduated and has entered the work field. The Top Talent Programme helps me to build these long-term relations. It’s great for business talks, but sometimes you just want to do something fun, with the Top Talent group, you always have a support system.”

Personal Development

“The Top Talent Programme really helped me to develop myself, I became more confident and self-aware of the way how I spoke to myself. As someone who used to be quite shy, it was a real challenge to step out of my comfort zone. However, through the support and encouragement of my teachers, I have developed a newfound confidence in myself. This experience has taught me to always push myself to try new things, even when it feels intimidating or uncertain. Overall, I am grateful for the opportunities this program has provided me and the ways in which it has helped me develop as an individual.”

Curious about the different Top Talent Programmes?

If like Lucija, you’re interested in gaining more knowledge, building your network, and developing yourself professionally, check out the upcoming events to orientate yourself.

Learn more

Berber Dijkhuis

Hi there! I'm Berber, I work as a Creative Content Specialist at Saxion. I'm committed to creating a welcoming environment for international students and fostering cultural exchange. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn

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