
Residence permit regulations

As a non-EU student at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, you might possess a residence permit based on study. If this is the case, you need to be aware of the requirements in order to keep your residence permit.

One of the requirements to be able to keep your residence permit based on study is to be registered as a student. As soon as you deregister, the Dutch Immigration Services will be informed and will revoke your residence permit.

You will participate actively in classes, take exams, join projects and all other parts of your study programme.

If you will live in the Netherlands for a period longer than 4 months, you are obligated to register with the BRP. For more information, click here.

Based on your residence permit your primary residence should be in the Netherlands. You are allowed to leave the country for a maximum of 6 months. Make sure to inform Saxion about this.

After arrival in the Netherlands you are obligated to register at the city hall. Saxion will facilitate BSN registration days for students living in Deventer or Enschede. If you live in another city, you will have to arrange an appointment by yourself.

After registration, you will receive a BSN (Dutch Citizen number) which allows you to open a Dutch bank account or start a (parttime) job.

MoMi is a Dutch immigration law which requires all NON-EU/EEA students with a residence permit based on study to meet the 50% credit requirement for each academic year.

If your study progress is sufficient, you can continue your study programme. However, if you do not meet the 50% credit requirement by the end of the academic year, Saxion is obliged to inform the Dutch Immigration Services (IND). If you have not made sufficient study progress, you are not allowed to re-register at Saxion for the current study programme or any other study programme. Please note: the IND may revoke your residence permit.

You need to fulfil this requirement each study year during the full duration of their study programme. It is of great importance that you discuss your study progress with you study career counsellor/study coach during the full duration of the study year. If you notice that you will not be capable to meet the MoMi regulation, you need to notify your study career counsellor in time.

After finishing an academic year, you will be required to re-enrol to continue your study at Saxion. With this process you will also need to sign a document stating you have sufficient financial means to live in the Netherlands for another year.

If you hold a residence permit based on study, your residence permit will be valid as long as you meet the conditions. One of these conditions is to be enrolled at an educational institution. As soon as you graduate, you will de-register at Saxion and your residence permit for study purposes will be cancelled after graduation. Depending on what date comes earlier, you can either stay in the Netherlands for 3 months after your graduation date (within the validity of your residence permit) or until your residence permit expires. 

Please see two examples below:

Situation 1: You graduate on 1 October. Your residence permit is valid until 1 December. Your residence permit will remain valid until 30 November, which is the maximum within the validity of your residence permit (2 months).

Situation 2: You graduate on 1 May. Your residence permit is valid until 1 December. Your residence permit will remain valid for a maximum of 3 more months after your graduation, so until 1 August.

Did you quit your studies without graduating? If you quit your studies with graduation, your residence permit will be revoked from the date of de-registration at an educational institution. You will have to leave the country as soon as possible. 

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