Our thoughts are with the Ukrainians and our sympathy goes out to our students, staff members and everyone who is currently impacted. We deeply sympathise with them and their families and friends.
The current situation in Ukraine can affect you as a student in various ways. We understand that you might have questions or concerns, whether it is about your studies or personal life. On this page, we provide information and guidance for everyone who is personally affected by or involved in the situation in Ukraine.
Are you a current student, and in need of extra guidance or support?
Please visit our dedicated My Saxion page for more information.
Legal residence options for students who fled Ukraine
If you have the Ukrainian nationality, you can choose to study with either a residence permit for study purposes, or under the Temporary Protection. This is up to you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out the the International Office: internationaloffice@saxion.nl.
If you have a non-Ukrainian nationality, and you fled from the war in Ukraine, the Temporary Protection no longer applies to you. Find up-to-date information here.
Frequently asked questions
Unfortunately, there won't be a reduced tuition fee for Ukrainian students who will start at Saxion for the first time in the academic year 2024-2025. This means that these students have to pay the higher institutional fee. Saxion has been able to make an exception for the group of students that were enrolled at Saxion from academic year 2022-2023 onwards. For the students who need to pay the higher institutional fee, Saxion does offer the possiblity to apply for a Saxion scholarship. Please find more information about the scholarships here.
The Temporary Protection is no longer valid for people with a third country nationality. Read more about what that means here. If you want to study at Saxion, you need a residence permit for study purposes. Read more about that here.
You can choose to study with either a residence permit for study purposes, or under the Temporary Protection. This is up to you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out the the International Office: internationaloffice@saxion.nl
Yes, that's possible. We offer two different scholarships for first-year students: the Saxion Talent Scholarship and the NL Scholarship. Please note that only our non-EU students who pay the higher institutional fee are eligible. More information can be found here.
To apply at Saxion a certified copy of the original documents and copies of the certified English translation is sufficient for application.
As a student who is going to study at Saxion, you must meet all admission requirements. However, through UAF, there are possibilities to do a free language test in the Netherlands. Check their page for more information and to see if you meet the requirements:
Our FAQ contains all the latest information known to us. We update our website immediately after there is news. Our employees at the International Office desks and on the telephone do not have more information than you can read on this page.