Pilot AI learning community “Energietransitie in de gebouwde omgeving”


Artificial Intelligence, energytransition, sustainability

Program objectives

In the AI ​​learning community “Energy transition in the built environment”, the Smart Cities and Ambient Intelligence professorships of Saxion University of Applied Sciences are working together with companies, housing associations, governments and development company OostNL on the question of how AI can contribute to realizing the energy transition in residential areas. 

Based on interviews, the partners' knowledge needs in the field of energy transition and AI were inventoried and a draft research agenda was drawn up. To ensure the continuity of the learning community, a connection has been sought with the substantively related RAAK-mkb project Nowatt, so that the synergy between both initiatives is utilized and the learning community has been expanded to include the participants in the aforementioned project.

The concept of a learning community is still in full development, and in terms of themes and ways of working and sharing knowledge, choices have therefore been made in consultation with the partners:

  • The theme of the learning community is the automated estimation of energy labels - using AI and based on publicly available data - for buildings for which the labels are missing. The point on the horizon is to estimate the most cost-effective measures to improve the energy label of a building. Target groups for this are private home owners and policy makers at housing associations.
  • The method is based on developing a prototype/demonstrator of an AI-based energy label estimator through user research and technical feasibility research. Researchers at Saxion are taking the lead in this. They discuss their approach and progress with the partners during learning community meetings so that the partners' input is guaranteed.
  • Knowledge sharing takes place in knowledge sharing meetings in which people learn from and with each other, the progress of prototype development is discussed and relevant questions and themes are explored in depth in interactive sessions.


Amperapark, Datacadabra, Hanzenet, Mindhash, Nijhuis Bouw, OpenRemote, Voorstroom, Delta Wonen, Mijande, Woningstichting Tubbergen, gemeente Deventer, provincie Overijssel, OostNL, Saxion


From September 2021 till September 2023

More information 

For more information, you can contact Wouter Teeuw or contact the AMI team. 


The project is subsidized by SIA: http://www.regieorgaan-sia.nl/