Exam review Introduction to Psychology

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The most commonly described problems in organisations are those that deal with people. This is the main reason why every (future) manager and HRM executive should take courses in Psychology. We have known that technical skills alone are insufficient for managerial success for about 20 years: it is the understanding of human behaviour in organisations that separates successful from unsuccessful managers.
Businesses that place a strong emphasis on taking care of the 'human element' by creating a supportive work environment tend to be more successful in the marketplace and generate superior financial results. Therefore, Managers and the HRM executives who advise them need to develop people skills if they are going to be effective in their jobs.


  • AMA-IHRM 1 Credible Activist
  • AMA-IHRM 3 Capability Builder

Learning goals

The objective of this introductory course is to teach you how to use the systematic study of
psychology to enhance your intuitive understanding of behaviour and improve your accuracy
in explaining and predicting behaviour of individuals in the workplace.
