1.4 Cinematics

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution


Visual storytelling is part of most interactive products, such as games. The stories are either told through introduction cinematics or trailers, or within a game as in-game cinematics. This module prepares you for a position as a Cinematic Artist. Within a range of environments, the student learns how to operate (virtual) cameras and apply cinematographic techniques in order to convey a (visual) story.


  • CMGT 1. Technological research and analysis
  • CMGT 2. Designing
  • prototyping and realizing
  • CMGT 3. Testing and rolling out
  • CMGT 5. Conceptualising
  • CMGT 6. Designing

Learning goals

The student:
- can build a convincing story  
- can preserve continuity in cinematographic storytelling  
- can use cinematography techniques (like focal elements and composition) to guide the viewer's eye, by using camera shots, camera angles, motion and lighting 
- uses compositing techniques to construct a layered image  
- can apply atmospheric sound design to complement and enhance the viewer's experience. 


Code Name
HC Hoorcollege
PR Practicum
T.50259 1.4 Cinematics