Flourishing Destinations

  • Code


  • Amount of hours required


  • Language


  • Quartile of execution

    1, 2

This semester focuses on the modus operandi of the tourism industry at the destination. This modus operandi offers a broad scope for discussion. A destination can literally be an island, but operates in an economy, in a country, in a world; in short in a network of relations, choices and decisions. How does the future of a destination look like ideally, if boundaries of growth are taken into account; a destination which pursues balance with positive impact for a wide range of stakeholders and environment? And what does this mean for fulfilling the responsibilities of the National Tourism Mangement? And how will the success of these new solutions be measured?


  • HBS 12. Free competence

Learning goals

The student advises on the strategy of a National Tourism Organisation whereby multiple value is created for the internal and external market by means of meaningful new or renewed tourism products and/or services. The quality of the processes and the deployment of people and resources is assured and monitored. To achieve this, the student develops skills with regard to research, vision and strategy development, demonstrates the ability to deal with stakeholders interests and moves easily between different levels of abstraction. The student demonstrates the ability to set up a network organization and the ability to assess the impact on people, the environment and society in addition to the financial-economic consequences. Using excellent oral and written communication skills, the advice is motivated, argued and presented with persuasiveness.
