When studying in the Netherlands, you have to take into account certain costs, among which costs of tuition. Below you can find an overview of all costs to keep in mind, both for EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA students.

For non-EU/EEA students our fee-structure consists of five parts. These five parts together make up our total package fee, which is an amount covering all study costs. Check this page for more info about the fee structure.

Tuition Fees September 2024 - 2025

You can find the tuition fee for your study programme on the specific programme's page here. All other costs are stated below. 

Total costs September 2024 - 2025

The following fees apply to students starting a full-time bachelor’s, short degree or master’s programme in September 2024.

1. Bachelor, Bachelor short degree and Master courses

Description Amount per year Amount per year
  Bachelor / Short Degree Programme Master
Tuition fee €8.600 depends on the study programme
Housing2 €5.933 €6.191
Visa / Residence permit € 228 € 228
Insurance  €681 €681
Proof of financial means3 € 14.640 € 14.640

  3. Exchange

The following fees apply to students starting an exchange programme in September 2024 or February 2025.

Description Amount per semester
Tuition fee depends on the study programme
Housing2 €3.095
Visa / Residence permit € 228
Insurance  €341
Proof of financial means3 €7.320

Housing will not be arranged automatically, but needs to be reserved. For information please see the accommodation page.

For the exact amount of the proof of financial means, please see this page. The proof of financial means will be refunded into your Dutch bankaccount after arrival in the Netherlands.

A non-refund policy applies to this educational programme after payment of the package fee. 

  4. Scholarships

Description Amount 
STS - Saxion Talent Scholarship for new talented students, BA only €2.500
SES - Saxion Excellent Scholarship for re-registered students €2.500
NLS - NL Scholarship for new top talented students €5000
SPS - Saxion Partner Scholarship new students from certain partners €1.638

EU/EEA students only pay the statutory tuition fees for all our bachelor’s programmes . You can find the tuition fee for your study programme on the specific programme's page here

Do you want to know the daily student expenses and cost of living in the Netherlands? Please check out this link to read more: https://www.studyinnl.org/finances/daily-student-expenses-and-cost-of-living-in-the-netherlands

Want to know how to arrange the payment?

How to pay

Do you need help?

We will try to answer your question immediately or bring you in contact with somebody at Saxion who will be able to help you out.